Bike To Work 2024, 04/30/2024
Journée d’exploration en famille de la programmation, 04/27/2024
Startup Champions Seed Night 2024, 04/25/2024
AMLD EPFL 2024, 04/23/2024
CAMPUS LECTURE | Assia Garbinato (Head of Digital & Innovation at Romande Energie, Alumni Award 2023), 04/18/2024
Ig Nobel Award Tour Show 2024, 04/16/2024
Transversal Skills and Career Center Inauguration, 03/25/2024
Discovery Day EPFL Pavilions, 03/23/2024
Final of the competition "My Thesis in 180 seconds" 2024, 03/21/2024
CAMPUS LECTURE | Metin Arditi (Writer, Alumni Award 2023), 03/14/2024
10 ans du Laboratoire EPFL LMTM et PX Group Chair, 03/14/2024
Engineering Industry Day 2024, 03/14/2024