“We want to create something together that neither of us could alone”, 10/16/2024
“My job is to give students confidence in their abilities” Giulia Tagliabue, 10/15/2024
”Accommodating my neurodivergence was life-changing” Joanna Dyson, 09/30/2024
“We can help students develop their critical thinking skills” Siroune der Sarkissian, 09/23/2024
“I spent all my savings on my first 3D printer” Sébastien Martinerie, 09/12/2024
“I was looking to connect neuroscience with engineering” Mélina Lasfargues, 09/10/2024
“We should always have a human approach to AI” L-R Paola Mejia-Domenzain and Vinitra Swamy, 09/05/2024
“Gut feelings must be understood to be used properly”, 09/03/2024
“My classes are an enlightening exercise in improvisation” Simon Henein, 08/27/2024
“Teaching the subject is how I really learned it” Stefano Mischler, 08/23/2024
To densify or not to densify? That is the question, 08/20/2024
“Being a good researcher doesn't mean you'll be a good teacher” Horst Pick, 08/16/2024